Welcome to our latest essential resource for educators, administrators, and support staff! We’re thrilled to introduce our comprehensive guide, Responding to Student Concerns, Challenges, and Disruptions.

In today’s educational landscape, understanding and effectively responding to student issues is more crucial than ever. Whether you are dealing with academic challenges, personal issues, or classroom disruptions, our guide offers practical strategies and insights to foster a supportive and productive learning environment.

  • the pressures students face today,
  • how to listen to student concerns,
  • strategies you can employ to resolve disputes,
  • techniques to prevent disruptions before they start,
  • how to calmly and effectively handle disruptive behavior, and
  • interventions to meet diverse needs.

Ready to transform your approach to student interactions?

Click the button below to download your copy of Responding to Student Concerns, Challenges, and Disruptions.

Cynthia Korpan, PhD
ITeach: Certification in Higher Ed Inc

About me

I have over 18 years experience in Educational Development in Higher Education and over 35 years related to workplace learning. As the former Director of Teaching Excellence at the University of Victoria, I garnered significant experience in developing programs and courses, teaching undergraduates, graduate students, and professors, and mentoring many about learning and teaching in higher education. In 2017, I was honoured with the Educational Developers Caucus Leadership Award for my national work related to educational development. My research focuses on early career academics’ first teaching in the academic workplace. This work and my expertise has been and continues to be shared with institutions around the world, such as Canada, the United States, China, Uganda, Pakistan, and Ghana.
